Friday, August 9, 2013

Where Western and Eastern Medicine Meet

I have long been a proponent for the combination of Eastern and Western medical practices.  I feel so strongly about it that I currently am studying to eventually become an Integrative Nurse Practitioner (unfortunately, this won't be for quite some time since I received my undergraduate degree in something entirely different).  I believe that both sides of the spectrum have a lot of great things to offer, but practicing one without the other leaves out crucial elements that can help a person heal. In terms of IC, I'm a big fan of a "whole"-istic approach to treatment.. exploring all possible avenues- and I feel that not enough (if any) doctors actually do this.

 In the following article, Dr. Robin Friedlander argues for the integration of both Eastern and Western practices for the best overall care. Check out the article below!

Where the Private Practice Model Still (Sort of) Makes the Most Sense

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