Thursday, June 13, 2013

Acupuncture for IC

Last night, I had my first session of acupuncture, courtesy of the Beach Community Acupuncture Center in my town.  Because my insurance does not cover acupuncture, the costs for the service can rise all the way to $125 per session. I'm sorry, but this girl needs to keep a roof over her head and feed herself! Thankfully, Community Acupuncture only costs $20 per session with trained professionals.  Talk about amazing! I am so thankful that such generous services exist in my little community.

I fell in love with acupuncture instantly.  When I walked into the tranquil facility, I felt immediately calm and centered.  The room was a soft shade of soothing blue, and enchanting music delighted my ears;  I could have stayed there for hours (and don't think I didn't consider it).   I was seated in a comfortable reclining chair with a cozy blanket.  Jake, the soft spoken and kind acupuncturist, placed about 10 needles in different spots in my feet, legs, hand and ear.  Jake said that his goal was to both balance my body and to reduce my stress levels as well.

Stress is a huge problem for my IC, triggering some of my worst flares.  I tend to be type A, a high-strung worrier, a bit of a perfectionist who always feels the need to be on the go. While I can appear calm and laid back from the outside, my little brain is constantly churning.  While this can be great in certain situations, being "on" all the time can cause many problems.  I have some serious difficulties unwinding.  However, as Jake gently inserted the acupuncture needles, I felt at ease.  In fact, a strange, calming sensation came over me, and I actually fell asleep.  Thirty minutes later, I woke up refreshed and relaxed (let's be real, Jake woke me up- if it wasn't for him I could have stayed there allll night).  The acute IC pain I had been experiencing yesterday seemed to have calmed down, and I left the office feeling light and more carefree than I have in quite some time.  Jake suggested that I attend twice a week for one month, and then we will re-evaluate how my healing is progressing.  I was seriously sad that I had to leave this beautiful little oasis.

Though I am unsure of how great of an impact acupuncture will have on my specific IC symptoms, I AM sure that the stress relief that comes with it is incredibly beneficial. For people with IC, and with any other stressful conditions, it is definitely important to take an hour or so each evening to unwind and clear your head, whether its by getting acupuncture or a massage, attending yoga, or reading a book... whatever YOU find to be the most calming.  I am absolutely looking forward to my next session!

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