Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights

What usually I look like the morning after a flare. via www.minddisorders.com

Most people with IC tend to dread nighttime. Why is this? For me (and many other patients), IC symptoms seem to be much more apparent at night.  Often times, pain, urgency, and frequency are more noticeable as our minds are trying to wind down and get into sleep mode. Instead of getting a solid 8-hours of rejuvenating and restorative sleep, we often lie awake for hours.  This is probably because during the night, we have less things to distract us and think about besides the current state of our bodies. Also, during a flare, it isn't uncommon for an IC patient to be up 5 or 6 or more times during the night attempting to urinate.  While everyone else is peacefully sleeping, we make frequent trips to and from the bathroom, which makes for a very disrupted sleep and a very cranky morning (at least in my case!). To add insult to injury, most IC patients can't consume coffee or anything caffeinated to provide an energy boost throughout the day.  Talk about cruel! 

For the better half of this past year, I woke up feeling like a zombie, having spent most of my night awake, worrying about when my body would finally let me fall asleep. By the time I finally fell asleep, it was basically time to get up and start my day. Often times, my boyfriend would have to coax me out of bed because I was continually sleeping through my alarm clock (or throwing it against the wall). Over time, however, I have been able to find some techniques and tools to help me fall asleep without having to resort to an Ambien prescription. Here are a few things that have helped me:

  • Drinking calming and soothing herbal teas.  Besides the amazing lavender chamomile tea that I've mentioned, one of my favorite teas for bedtime or late nights is Celestial Seasoning's Sleepytime Vanilla.  This tea is super relaxing due to the mixture of chamomile and spearmint, and it hasn't caused me any flares. Everyone's body is different, so experiment to find a tea that works for you. 
  • Reading a book. Often times when we are restless and wide awake at night, we turn to technology to distract us. BIG mistake.  This is not the time to turn on your TV, browse Facebook, or look at your phone! These devices will only keep you awake longer.  If you don't believe me, check out this article in the Chicago Tribune documenting how the light from electronic screens leads to sleep loss. I find that reading distracts me enough to make me forget any discomfort, and helps me to dose off peacefully.
  • Listening to a sleep playlist.   I have created some amazing playlists with peaceful and calming songs that help me drift off into dreamland. This seems to have the same impact as reading- the tunes distract me enough to help me fall asleep.
  • Using a Heating Pad/Ice Pack. I can't even count the amount of times I've fallen asleep with my heating pad.  Some people prefer ice, which is fine too! Both of these can reduce inflammation and lessen any acute pain we may be experiencing. 
  • Taking a warm bath before bedtime. This will have the same soothing effect as the heating pad, while also relaxing all the other muscles in your body.  Talk about amazing!
  • Spraying some lavender essential oil in the bedroom/on linens. If scents don't seem to bother you, I'd recommend picking up some lavender oil and mixing it with with a bit of water in a spray bottle.  Lavender has been proven to calm nerves and reduce anxiety, something that we all experience when we are having an IC flare. Mist this around your sleeping area before your head hits the pillow.
  • Last but definitely not least - taking a natural sleep aid. I personally feel much better taking a natural sleep aid than something along the lines of Tylenol PM.  I can't say enough about this Valerian Root extract. This truly was my saving grace!  Valerian Root promotes restful sleep and lessens anxiety- it does WONDERS for me.When I feel a sleepless night coming on, I mix a few drops of this in a small glass of water before bedtime and it always helps me sleep peacefully.    I also can't say enough about these Super Snooze melatonin supplements that I picked up at my local CVS. Melatonin has similar benefits to Valerian Root, promoting relaxation and sound sleep.
Before trying any new sleep aid, check with your doctor to make sure it's safe.  It is important to make sure any new supplements won't interact strangely with any medications you may be taking or exacerbate any additional medical problems you may have.

Happy healing & happy sleeping!

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