Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Aloe Vera Juice for Healing

(from foreverliving.pro/about-aloe-vera/)

I have been using aloe vera juice to help soothe my poor bladder for quite sometime. It's incredibly anti-inflammatory, and I believe that by consuming it, the juice can directly reach all of those nasty cuts and sores and calm down a flare instantly. Some people take aloe vera supplements, but I like the idea of the healing elixir flowing directly through my body. I highly recommend George's Aloe Vera Juice  because it has a pleasant taste and doesn't have any nasty additives. Now, don't go chugging glasses and glasses with the hope of being cured - be sure to stick to the dosage suggested on the bottle (for George's, it is only a few ounces per day).

Check out  following article to learn some other great healing benefits of this awesome plant.

Top Twelve Benefits of Aloe Vera

Happy healing! xx

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