Thursday, September 5, 2013

What's IC About?

"It’s about having a deep, burning pain that pain medications barely touch. It’s about sharp, shooting pains and dull aching pain 24 hours a day for many of us. And it’s about the constant discomfort on top of that pain.  It’s about feeling as if your body is falling apart and that there is just one thing wrong after another. It’s about not knowing how you’re going to feel from one minute to the next and no longer being able to make like a normal person. It’s about not feeling like yourself anymore and not being able to do the things you used to do. It’s about being left out of things because you’re ‘not well enough to attend.’ IC is about having an invisible disease. It’s about having pain that no one can see and symptoms that no one understands. It’s about having family and friends look at you like you’re a hypochondriac or a wimp. It’s about being told you’re crazy when you’re totally and completely sane..."

-Excerpt from Catherine M. Simone's "Along the Healing Path." This is exactly how I felt when I was first diagnosed with IC... but it does get better! I highly recommend reading this book.

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