Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Get Your Greens!

I have read/heard countless stories of people suffering from Interstitial Cystitis who ease their pain by incorporating whole, natural foods, specifically leafy greens and other vegetables, into their diets.  Why does this work? 
today's lunch :) 

When you are giving your body the nutrients it needs and deserves, your body in turn has a greater ability to nurture itself and heal. Basically, we have the capability of fostering a healing environment in our bodies.  So why are salads so fantastic? Vegetables, particularly dark, leafy greens, are incredibly anti-inflammatory.  Though it may not seem like it, each salad you eat is sending soothing nutrients to the most sensitive and irritated parts of our bodies. Most vegetables are also alkalizing, which means that they help to decrease the acidity in your body and your urine.  What does this mean? Less pain, less inflammation, and a happier you! Research continually shows that a properly alkalized body helps to restore and maintain our optimal health. 

I encourage you to add salads to your meal plans, or at least more veggies. Some people claim that eating salad is boring, but there are ENDLESS possibilities and ways to make your salads both nutritious and delicious.  Just make sure to not include any of your personal triggers and beware of salad dressings, as most are highly acidic (try making your own- I like to use avocados, olive oil, or homemade hummus to add some additional texture and flavor).  

Happy healing!

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