Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Self-Healing Insight

"The path of self-healing is not an easy one.  In fact, it is the most difficult path because it is a path into the self.  It is a path of self-discovery on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.  This path encompasses one's whole being and is the basis of holistic healing.  This is a path that each person must walk for themselves; no one can walk it for them.  Other people can serve as guides along the way.  However, choose your guides carefully.  A helpful guide is one who is willing to teach you, but then is willing to let you walk your own path and does not demand you walk theirs."
-The Path of Self-Healing, Introduction into Ayurveda

It is up to us to be our own best friends, caretakers, and advocates. Happy healing!

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