Monday, November 18, 2013

Stay Current on IC Research

As IC patients, we know how important it is to be our own advocates.  Part of this means being aware of treatments and options for people suffering from this illness.  A dear friend of mine (who also happens to be a fabulous endocrinologist) recommended that I stay up-to-date by using the website This website generates a listing of the most recent medical studies released from around the world that pertain to IC.  It's very simple to use, just go to the website, and type "Interstitial Cystitis" in the search bar, or click here instead!

When I searched today, the first study that appeared was entitled: Urine alkalization improves the problems of pain and sleep in hypersensitive bladder syndrome. Isn't this exactly what we've been talking about here for the past few months?

 Be ahead of the curve, and your doctors.  Be your own advocate to help find ways to feel better.

Happy healing!

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