Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Little Things

Farmer's market finds.  My favorite place to scoop up healthy, alkalizing & healing fruits and veggies. 


  1. Hi Janie!
    Nice to see that you'll have a great lunch! Garlic is good for us...
    I just come back to say thank you... You wrote a post about the anti-inflammatory diet a long time ago, from "The better bladder book". This book is really amazing, it gave me new leads to follow and is well documented. Unfortunately, in France, doctors are really lag behind, even the specialists! and holistic approaches are so rare. But maybe I didn't meet the good ones yet. At least, I discovered many books thanks to this one, all in english! and I'll try to improve my english at the same time as my health condition.
    Thanks for your nice words last time, I don't know how you manage... But you seem to be a very positive girl!
    How are you these days?
    A bientôt peut être et soignes toi bien!

  2. Just found your blog today. I am newly diagnosed, only 32, mother of 3 and I have a very mild case. I am currently trying a juice fast to help my body heal avoiding citris and nightshade vegetables. Was using green apples until my body and the internet told me they were a no no. Anywho, I was wondering if you have a post on here that says what you believe worked to heal you? I dont have time to thumb through all of your posts. What do you believe ultimately healed you? Diet change, aloe vera juice, etc? Thank you soo much! I'll try anything!

  3. so sorry that I haven't responded! i am not on here as much! i think my ultimate healing was an alkalizing diet, and change in lifestyle (i.e.. major stress reduction!!) meditation, yoga - and just doing what makes me genuinely happy while taking good care of my body all saved my life I truly believe. Trust your instincts when it comes to talking with doctors, because they are just humans too and you know your own body better! stick with healthy grains, veggies, and avoid citrus/acid, refined sugars. I now can drink coffee/wine without any issues but I maintain a very alkalizing diet and also spent two years not touching anything acidic! be patient and you will find your healing path :)
