Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Importance of Doing YOU While Healing

After a longer-than-expected break from posting, I'm back to write about something that has been on my mind recently. These days, I've had a lot of me-time; much more than usual. Initially this was such a strange, new phenomenon for me that it was actually incredibly difficult to get used to. Yeah, yeah it may sound ridiculous, but I KNOW that I'm not the only one who has felt this way. If you are like the old me, you may find yourself balancing a million-and-one different things, trying to please multiple people, and sacrificing that which is most important: yourself.

Sacrificing quality time spent with yourself is not good for anyone, but even worse for those who are suffering from an ongoing health condition.  You need to take care of yourself in order to heal, both physically and emotionally.  You can eat all of the healthy, organic, alkalizing food in the world, but if you are still running around at a thousand miles per hour, you are not going to get better.

So today, Saturday, I urge you to take an hour and do something that is completely selfish.  For me, this could mean taking a yoga class, studying Spanish, spending time in nature, or just zoning out watching a silly movie.  It doesn't matter what you do, just make sure you are stress-free and happy while doing it. Call it a mental health hour- everyone deserves one!

So, get off the computer and go enjoy your weekend. More posts to come soon.

Happy Healing :)