Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Few Words on "Healing"

"Let's take the taboo-ness out of the word HEALING.  No one should be ashamed to use that word.  We're all healing.  Whether it's a disease or illness, a destructive behavior, or misery we've brought with us from a past life, stuff comes up.  It arises, so it can pass away.  It says hello, we heal it.  We're all healing, and we're all  healers. 

But here's the thing: healing doesn't have to be heavy.  It doesn't have to feel like a tiresome concept that we lug around on our backs, one that holds within it the burdens of our pain and suffering.  It doesn't have to be cloaked in drama.  Healing can mean whatever the heal you want it to mean: happiness, softness, awareness, forgiveness, letting go, returning to totality..." - Tara Bliss, guest blogger at Wellness Warrior

Let's not let healing become our burden, but our joy. Read the rest of this great article here.

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