Hi IC friends! I didn't mean to abandon you. I'm sorry for my posting hiatus. Things have been a little hectic on my side, but I'm back and ready to continue sharing my healing journey. So, why have things been hectic for me? Well, I moved to the Big Island of Hawaii last week. I live in a tropical rainforest with my boyfriend where cell reception barely exists and the closest store is at least a 10 mile drive. The rain falls freely and abundantly, but when the sun beams down, boy do we feel it. Our front porch sits on a koi pond, filled with colorful fish. The smell of hibiscus lofts through the house like a faint perfume. Roosters crow before the break of dawn to wake us. We eat fresh fruit from the trees for breakfast, feasting on mangos, papayas, whatever is abundant. Down at the beach, we swim amongst sea turtles, exploring the mixture of coral and lava rock that paints the ocean floor.

Why am I here? To explore, experience, heal, grow, recharge, heal, heal, heal… do you see where this list is going? In my opinion, there is no better environment for me to continue my healing journey. Things are verrrryyyy slowwwwww here, people are incredibly relaxed and laid-back, and holistic medicine, fresh fruits & veggies are everywhere. You should SEE the farmer's markets here! I have been feeling wonderful, even in the midst of a crazy move. I cannot wait to share my experiences, new recipes and healing advice with you, so that you can experience a bit of this paradise wherever you are. In the next few weeks, I will be sitting down with some local Naturopaths to discuss IC, and I hope to gain some new insight into the illness to help everyone along their path to wellness.
I hope that everyone is enjoying a pain-free holiday season. Happy healing!